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(2016 BISFF) 아시아 단편1

GV1 Landscape of Asian Shorts 1
제33회 부산국제단편영화제
2016-04-23(토) ~ 2016-04-25(월)
83min | D-Cinema | color |
일반 6천원 , 청소년 4천원
개빈 얍(Gavin Yap), 사토 미요(Sato Miyo), 잉 량(Ying Liang), 잔트라야 수리용, 시리파손 엠누이손밧(Jantraya Suriyong, Siripassorn Umnuaysombat), 제이슨 이스칸다르(Jason Iskandar)
개빈 얍 감독사진

개빈 얍(Gavin Yap)
Gavin Yap is a Malaysian actor, writer, director. Some of his theatre credits include Importance Of Being Earnest, Fat Pig, Red, Speed The Plow and most recently, Pangdemonium’s production of <Tribes>. He served as Director-In-Residence at the KLPac from 2005 to 2008, during which time he directed numerous productions. In 2007, he was awarded the National Arts Award for directing. His feature directorial debut, Take Me To Dinner, was released in Malaysian cinemas in March 2014 and enjoyed a successful run on Astro First, Malaysia’s premiere pay-per-view channel. Gavin is also a seasoned voice director for animation. His projects include Saladin: The Animated Series and Tripod Entertainments animated Steampunk epic, War of the Worlds: Goliath, which premiered at the San Diego Comic Con and received it’s North American cinema and Blu-Ray release in March 2014. He has had several comic book scripts published in Heavy Metal, one of the world's leading adult SC-FI/Fantasy magazines, is the author of the Esquire Magazine's film column (Malaysian Edition) and his first book, ‘A Decade Of Favours’ will be published by MPH in August. Take Me To Dinner(2014) The Incredibly Strange Tale of the Man Who Lost His Love But Bought It Back With a Packet of Duck Rice(2015)

사토 미요 감독사진

사토 미요(Sato Miyo)
Born in Aichi, Japan, 1989. Graduated from Nagoya University of Arts, Department of Media Arts in 2011 and enterd Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Film and Nes Nedia, Department of Animation in 2013. Her major works are <Through the Windows>(2013), <Fox Fears>(2015), such style using the fluid medium like glass on painting or sand animation. The Room(2011) Through the Windows(2014) Karihara no uta(2014) Fox Fears(2015)

잉 량 감독사진

잉 량(Ying Liang)
잉 량은 상하이 출생으로, 베이징과 충칭에서 연출을 공부했다. 첫 번째 장편 오리를 등에 진 사나이(2005)는 도쿄필름엑스영화제에서 심사위원특별상을,다른 반쪽(2006)은 전주영화제 우석상을 수상했다. 호묘(2008)는 브리스번영화제 국제비평가상을 수상하였고, 이후 제작한 단편 위문(2009)은 로테르담영화제 단편경쟁부문 타이거상을 수상했고, 2013 부산국제단편영화제 개막작이기도 했다. 2012년 아직 할말이 남았지만(2012)은 로카르노영화제 감독상과 여우주연상을 수상했다. 현재 그는 홍콩공연예술학교와 홍콩침례대학교에서 영화를 가르치고 중국독립다큐멘터리 랩의 멤버이기도 하다.

잔트라야 수리용, 시리파손 엠누이손밧 감독사진

잔트라야 수리용, 시리파손 엠누이손밧(Jantraya Suriyong, Siripassorn Umnuaysombat)
We are just graduated the film study and always interested in kids films. So, for the final year of study, we decided to do something about kids. Not only filming but also living and having time with them are our happiness. After graduated, we both work in a field of Films and TV production.

제이슨 이스칸다르 감독사진

제이슨 이스칸다르(Jason Iskandar)
Jason Iskandar was born in Jakarta, 1991. He began directing when he was 17 in a workshop & documentary film competition 'Think Act Change' held by The Body Shop Indonesia & Jakarta Arts Council, the workshop resulted Jason to win 3 awards for his film <Sarung Petarung>(2007) including Best Documentary Film. <The Day The Sky Roared> is his sixth short film. Sarung Petarung(2007) Indonesia Bukan Negara Islam(2009> Territorial Pissings(2010) Tanya Jawab(2011) Seserahan(2013) Langit Masih Gemuruh(2015)