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프로그램별 상영시간표

꼬마 워정대의 판타지 모험이 시작된다! 마법같이 재미있는 친환경 애니메이션 프랭키와 친구들 생명의 나무 4월 13일 대개봉

(2017 BIKY)극장판 프랭키와 친구들:생명의 나무

Franky and Friends : A tree of Life
제12회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제
2017-07-13(목) ~ 2017-07-18(화)
72min | D-Cinema | color | 한국 Korea | 2016 |
균일 6,000원
  • 감독 : 박정오 PARK Jeong-o


    고구마 튀김이 먹고 싶은 프랭키와 어제 남은 음식을 먼저 다 먹어야 한다는 잔소리꾼 뚜.

    프랭키는 고집을 부려 고구마 튀김을 얻어내지만, 결국 다 먹지 못하고 쿠앙과 몰래 숲 속에 파묻어버렸어요.

    그러던 어느 날,

    고약한 냄새가 나는 음식물 쓰레기더미에서 이상한 버섯들이 자라나고

    그 버섯을 먹은 곤충들과 퐁은 엄청나게 커져 동화마을을 엉망으로 만들어 버렸어요.

    산타 할아버지는 이 모든 것이 '생명의 나무'에 문제가 생겼기 때문이라고 하는데...

    '생명의 나무'를 찾아 모험을 떠나기로 결심한 프랭키와 친구들!

    과연 꼬마 원정대들은 마녀의 위협으로부터 위기에 빠진

    동화마을을 구해낼 수 있을까요?


    It’s morning in Fairytale Land, and Franky and Ttoo are already having an argument. Franky wants to eat fried sweet potatoes, but Ttoo won’t make them for him unless he finishes eating yesterday’s leftovers. Lately, Franky seems upset with Ttoo because she’s always nagging at him to “not do this, and not do that” and treating him like a baby. So he gets angry and exclaims, “I can eat both the leftovers and the fried sweet potatoes!” His outburst gets him his way, but as Ttoo predicts, he can’t finish eating everything. Afraid that he’ll get in trouble with Ttoo, he and Kuang bury the leftovers in the forest. They continue to do this until one daystrange mushrooms start sprouting. And bugs that have eaten the mushrooms start growing massively large and aggressive. Franky and Kuang race home to warn the others, however, Pong ends up eating one of the mutant mushrooms and becomes enormous destroying their house. Giant Pong and the other bugs devour all the food and crops in a blink of an eye. At this rate, there will be no more food for anyone and Fairytale Land could disappear altogether. According to Santa, the reason this is all happening is because there’s a problem with nature’s regulator, the Tree of Life. In order to save Fairytale Land, the young heroes embark on a thrilling adventure.

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